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Safe & Secure Update

Last week saw the return of the popular Lancaster BID Business Breakfasts bringing together around 30 businesses to hear plans to improve safety and security in Lancaster city centre.

Safe and Secure has been one of the key priorities for Lancaster BID with an action plan agreed with partners at a previous BID Breakfast event more than a year ago. Since this time, we have been busy with several projects including introducing the Lancaster BID Warden to support city centre businesses with ASB issues and shoplifting. We have also worked with partners to launch the Lancaster District Street Aid scheme which has already raised over £3,000 to help people to move permanently off the streets.

The meeting last week saw the launch of our Anti-Loitering Campaign where businesses can sign up to give us permission to ask people to move on from your doorways and other areas of your property. Over 20 businesses have already signed up. Find out how you can join the scheme HERE.

The BID Breakfast also included a presentation on DISC – an information sharing App to help tackle shoplifting and other antic=social behaviour. Feedback from those at the meeting was very positive and we are now finalising the next steps with this initiative in Lancaster. Keep an eye on our newsletter and social media for further updates.

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